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The Philadelphia Council of Clergy is now conducting a city-wide survey of churches, spearheaded by Carolyn Haslam.  If you are a pastor or church leader, please take a few minutes to complete it.

The Survey Will feed 2 Main Outcomes

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Data will be used to launch a new website specifically to promote the ministries provided by churches and Christian non profits across Philadelphia so that people can find what they need, or find a place to serve with a ministry they're passionate about.  The website will include

  • Ministries Database -This is where people can find services of all kinds: from counseling to youth groups to refugee care.

  • Calendar of community events Churches and non profits running community events can be found here.  Valid events include things like park clean up days, back-2-school back pack give aways, food pantry schedules, concerts, voter registrations, etc.  Each event will link to your registration page or website with more information.

  • News Platform -This will have both written and video components, with a variety of news, such as human interest stories to promote volunteerism, stories on successful or innovative programs/leaders, interviews with business and non profit leaders, and civic stories exposing issues that need public support.

  • Video Library  - Shorts will be created to promote great ministries for people to donate to, volunteer with, or replicate.

  • Robust Sponsors Page - Sponsors will be honored, not just with logo placement but with a robust, ongoing benefits package

Leadership Cohorts


We will invite leaders of ministries in the same genre (youth groups, or homeless outreach, or women's ministries, etc) to leadership cohorts where they can build relationships, pray for their shared target group, talk best practices, and even collaborate to do things together that they cannot do alone.



Because leadership development is essential for healthy ministries and growth.  A church staff meeting is a very different experience than when leaders of the SAME kind of ministry get together like a think tank. Our pilot cohort with Youth Ministers proved this.  They were so encouraged as they shared their experiences with other people who 'spoke their language' and shared their passion for teens.  They learned from one another and some even began dreaming of ways to work together to reach more kids together that they could alone. 

WHY Support Collaboration Philly?
Because with 1 donation, you can help grow ministries all across Philly

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Or make a 1-time

donation here:

I believe that in 2016, God gave me a vision for this ministry after hearing my pastor repeatedly use the phrase, "Things we can do together that we cannot do alone".  Not only is this concept of teamwork true for individual humans, it is also true for church congregations.  Ever since then, my heart has been on fire to help church leaders connect and serve together as ONE, instead of splintered by denominational differences.  I've been blessed to be a founding member and board member of the Philadelphia Gospel Movement, a collaborator with One City One Love, a collaborator of Saturate Philly Metro and engaged with pastors and leaders across Philly who understand the value of relationship and collaboration instead of isolation. God is on the move in Philadelphia, and there is certainly a special power when Churches work together for a common goal !!


Now, I am partnering with the Philadelphia Council of Clergy to finally launch the ministry I dreamt of in 2016.  PCC is dedicated to serving pastors and church leaders of all races and denominations, and the ministry of Collaboration Philly will be an excellent extension of that mission.  Money raised will be used for

  • a salary for me to come on board full time

  • a small team to help me execute the survey to 2,000 churches

  • website development and technology costs

  • food and meeting expenses for our leadership cohorts (which will rotate between in-person and zoom).


I've discovered that one of my great joys in life is to help OTHER people succeed. And, one of my great strengths is creating infrastructure for growth.  So, with Collaboration Philly, I will be able to put this passion and this strength together to serve Christ and the collective Church of Philadelphia.  I cannot wait to see How God grows His Kingdom as we expose new people to ministries they're looking for, and give leaders a way to meet, support, pray and collaborate!




Thank you so much for donating to, or praying for this ministry! 


~Carolyn Scott Haslam

Director of Communications and Special Projects (ie - Collaboration Philly!) 

Your Donation Will Serve Thousands of Ministries
Not Just One!


1 Time Donations
or 1 Year of Monthly Support

Your donation to this project can be a 1-time gift,



We are currently seeking to raise seed money through commitments for monthly recurring payments that will last for 12 months.


WHY ONLY 12 Months?  Because, once the survey has been conducted, the website is launched, and we have our first leadership cohorts running, we have a sponsors package that has true value to local businesses and national organizations with an interest in Philadelphia. So, we expect to be able to raise our ongoing annual budget through sponsors. 


However, if you love what we do and want to keep donating after 12 months, that's fine too! Money raised that is more than the project's budgetary essentials, will be put into a fund to assist collaborative works that evolve out of our leadership cohorts.  But at this time, we want to take away stress and simply ask for a  1 year commitment to help launch this ministry. 



Or make a 1-time donation here:

Get Involved

Typing on a Computer

Contribute Info

Are you on staff at a church?  


If you're not on staff, please send the survey to your pastor!


Donation Jar


Please make your one time donation, or sign up for a monthly recurring donation


Would you like to receive a monthly update on what we're doing, in order to keep us in prayer?  Please subscribe below!

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Share Your Story

Do you have a story to tell about how a ministry provided by a church has helped you or a loved one?  Perhaps you've discovered how gratifying it is to volunteer!  Please share your story with us and we may share it with on Love Care Philly when it launches! â€‹




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